Support Our Sponsors…

Members Clubs…

Other Regional Clubs…


EFYC - Epping Forest Yacht Club

AISC – Amelia Island Sailing Club


FYC  - Florida Yacht Club

GISC – Golden Isles Sailing Club


HRYC – Halifax River Yacht Club

CYC – Charleston Yacht Club

NFCC - North Florida Cruising Club

RIYC - Rat Island Yacht Club

Racing Performance…

RCoJ - Rudder Club of Jacksonville

SCSR – Space Coast Sailing & Racing


SAYC – St. Augustine Yacht Club


SYC – Smyrna Yacht Club

FCSA Individual Member Sites…


QHYC – Queens Harbour Yacht Club

Liberty Call



Send your link for posting


Sailing Organizations…



US Sailing   PHRF   ISAF Special Regs


USCG Light List    Nautical Charts Online

    Current Racing Rules of Sailing

WindFinder NAS    WindFinder StA

11492 St.Johns River, Jax - Racy Point

American Sailing Association, ASA

NWS-Wind RCoJ    NWS-Wind STA

11487 St.Johns River, Racy Point - Palatka

International Sailing Federation, ISF

NWS-Wind Palatka   NWS-Wind Shands

11491 St.Johns River, Jax - Mayport

Offshore Racing Council, ORC

NWS-Wind U Pick    iWindSurf

11489 ICW, St.Simons - Ponte Vedra

South Atlantic Yacht Racing Assoc

Mayport KNRB    Piney KNIP

11485 ICW, Ponte Vedra - and South

Yacht Racing Assoc of Long Island Sound

Coastal NWS    NWS Graphical

11503 St. Marys Entrance

Wunderground Maps

11502 Doboy Sound to Fernandina



11485 ICW, Ponte Vedra - and South

Astronomy - Oceanography

Tides / Currents

Ponce Inlet Nav

USNO Astronomical Data   Jax Astro

Tides & Currents    River Currents 1

GreatCircle1     GreatCircle2     GreatCircle3

Navy Oceanography   Trop-Cyclone NHC

NOAA Currents     River Currents 2

Coast Pilot 4, see Chapter 9

GOES Image Viewer

NOAA Tides      Avg River Currents


Florida Coastal Data Buoys     GS Temps



Sails & Equipment…

Sailing News & Forums Sites…


Wind Dancer Closed -> Irish Sail Lady

Sailing Anarchy    Scuttlebutt

USNO Master Clock     202-762-1401 or -1069

North Sails  -  Local Rep

XS Racing    Sail-World    SailNet

Greenwich Time     CG Nav Rules

Doyle Sails         MauriPro

Furled Sails

Animated Knots      10,000 Boat Names

Defender    West Marine    APS Ltd

Regatta Dates    Yacht Racing

Byron Ratings     MauriPro

Layline    Boat US    Masthead

SailboatOwners    Sailing World

North Florida Marinas 

Sound Boat Works    McMaster Carr

Trailer Sailor    Sailing About

USSailing Mbrs Lookup

Aqua Acoustics Marine Audio

Boating Safety All Ages 1


Obersheimers Sailor Supply

Boating Safety All Ages 2


Barlow/Barient Parts    Edson Marine





Class Organizations…

Sales, etc



First Coast Charters   Now & Zen Sailing Charters


Cape Dory    Catalina 22



Endeavour    Flying Scot



Hunter    J-24 Fleet 55



O'Day    Pearson    420 Class