Navy Jacksonville Yacht Club
P.O. Box 29, Naval Air Station Jacksonville FL 32212-0029, (904)778-0805
Wendal Davis Memorial Regatta
Notice of Race
Saturday April 10, 2004
1 . RULES - The regatta will be governed by The Racing Rules of Sailing (RRS), the prescriptions of US SAILING, the rules of participating classes, (except as any of the foregoing are altered by the Sailing Instructions); and by this Notice and the Sailing Instructions .
2. ALTERATIONS OF CLASS RULES - The rules of all classes with yachts participating as a class are altered so that membership in the class is not required.
3. ALTERATIONS OF RACING RULES - Part 5 and Appendix G are modified for this Series. Mediation procedures will be in effect.
4. ADVERTISING - The Regatta is designated Category B in accordance with Rule 79 and Appendix G4 excluding paragraphs 4.2(b), (c) and (d)..
5.1 Eligible yachts are those who have officially entered by completing a registration form with the Navy Jacksonville Yacht Club in advance or during the registration period as set forth in the Notice of Race. Appendix R (Definitions for Competitor Eligibility) of the RRS will be in effect for this regatta. Group 1 and Group 2 competitors are eligible to compete. Display of sail numbers shall be in accordance with class rules.
5.2 It is anticipated that yachts will be divided into the following racing classes: Flying Scot, JY-15, J24, Thistle, Sunfish, Flying Juniors, 420's, and Laser.
5.3 A minimum of three registered yachts is necessary to constitute a class.
5.4 Entry fee $6.00
6. RENTAL BOATS - For MWR eligible personnel with a Navy "Skipper B" Sailing Card, Lasers, JY-15's, Flying Juniors, and Flying Scots are available from the NAS Marina. Call the Marina Manager at 772-3260 for more information or to reserve a boat.
0930-1100 Registration:
1100 Sailors meeting:
1200 Warning signal for first class:
8. SAILING INSTRUCTIONS - The sailing instructions will be available after 0930 on race day. Changes to this notice or the Sailing Instructions will be posted on the exterior bulletin board prior to 1000 on the morning of the race. Schedule changes will be posted prior to 1900 (7:00 PM) on the day prior to the race.
9. REGATTA SITE - The regatta site will be Navy Jacksonville Yacht Club.
10. RACING AREA - The racing area will be in the St. Johns River as depicted on NOAA Chart 11492 between the Buckman Bridge to the south and the Fuller Warren Bridge to the north.
11. COURSES - Courses will be as shown in the Sailing Instructions.
12.1 Individual Race Scoring - The Low-point Scoring System, Appendix A2 of the racing rules, will apply for this regatta.
12.2 Series Scoring - Each of the four regattas is scored independently and prizes awarded in each class. In addition, a "Series Winner" prize will be awarded, to the entry with the best performance for the year. There will be an award in each class that has participated as a class in three of the four regattas. For series purposes, points awarded for an entry that did not come to the starting area (DNC) will be one more than the number of entries eligible for the series award.
13. PRIZES - First, second and third place prizes will be awarded in classes of seven or more entered boats. First and second place prizes will be awarded in classes of four to six entered boats. First place prize will be awarded in classes of less than four entered boats.
14. Base Access: Enter through the Main Gate (Yorktown Ave.) A representative from NJYC will be at the gate from 09:30 am to 10:30 am to sign in participants. Park in the assigned space by the gate, walk to the vehicle pass office. Be prepared to show a photo ID, registration, drivers license, and proof of insurance. All persons in the vehicle must have a photo ID.
FURTHER INFORMATION - For further information, please contact:
Regatta Chairman - George Alston (904)317-1626