MARCH 27, 2004



DATE & PLACE:            Saturday, March 27, 2004, one-half mile north of St. Johns River Entrance Marker "R-4" off Mayport, Florida.


REGISTRATION:     The standard race entry form must be completed in full and filed with the Race Committee before 9:00 p.m., Friday, March 26.   Yachts shall also be permitted to register on the water on the day of the race up until 8:40 AM.  The Race Committee assumes no responsibility for delivery of entries submitted by mail.  Entries will also be accepted at the NFCC General Meeting, Thursday, March 18th, 7:00 PM at the Florida Gun and Tackle Club.


ENTRY FEE:               $25.00 for NFCC members, $35.00 for Non-members.

                                         (Non-members $30.00 with current US Sailing card)


ELIGIBILITY:             All yachts must have a valid PHRF certificate from the First Coast Sailing Association (FCSA).  (PHRF Club Handicapper is Bubba Futch.)  A yacht participating in the Spinnaker or Non-Spinnaker Racing Division must have her sail number on the mainsails, spinnakers, and all headsails with a LP exceeding 130%.  Her sail numbers are those allotted to her by US Sailing, her class, or her hull number.  A yacht sailing in the PHRF Cruiser Division must have an identifying sail number on her mainsail.


Yachts that do not have a current PHRF rating assigned by the First Coast Sailing Association (FCSA) may obtain a new rating ($35.00 first-time annual fee) or may renew their rating after the race prior to the post race ceremony.


CLASSES:            PHRF Spinnaker, PHRF Non-Spinnaker, and PHRF Cruiser. Classes will be further divided into divisions if practical.


MANAGEMENT:      This race will be under the management of the North Florida Cruising Club, which is also the organizing authority.


RACING RULES:            This Regatta shall be governed in order of precedence by: (1) this Notice of Race and Sailing Instructions; (2) the rules of the First Coast Sailing Association (FCSA); and (3) The Racing Rules of Sailing (RRS) 2001-2004.


CHANGES:            Changes in these sailing instructions will be announced at 8:30AM on VHF CH 68, and the Race Committee will display Code Flag “L”.




CHECK-IN:            All yachts must check-in via VHF CH 68 or by sailing within hail of the Committee Boat before 8:40AM. The Race Committee will register arriving boats on the water up until 8:40 AM. Payment will be due as soon as the race is completed and prior to awarding the trophies.


COURSE:            Spinnaker and Non-Spinnaker Classes:  Start between the Race Committee boat and the yellow starting mark that will be set approximately one-half mile due north of Marker R “4”.  Proceed northerly approximately 356 degrees mag. to finish at St. Mary's G "15" (formerly G “19”) at Fernandina.  If  theIf the committee boat is not on station with a marked finish line, then the finish line will be G “1915” 270 degrees mag. (due west) of any point on the racing vessel.  Each captain will be responsible for logging their time synchronized with the race captain’s time source ( this(this may not be GPS time). Each finishing boat will safely position themselves 90 degrees mag. (due east) of G “15” and record the time of the next finishing boats or sets of finishing boats. The race captain will resolve any discrepancies using best judgment. After the completion of these duties, the finished boats may disperse as they see fit or assemble for an unofficial race back to Mayport. Please communicate with all racers your final intent after the race. This intent should be communicated back to the race committee boat as soon as radio comm can be established and it is safe to do so.


                        Cruiser Class: Start between the Race Committee boat and the yellow starting mark that will be set approximately one-half mile due north of Marker R “4”.  Proceed easterly to St John’s sea bouy “STJ” and round to port and proceed northwesterly to Nassua Nassau Sound sea bouy buoy “N6A” and round to port, and then proceed southeasterly to “STJ”  and” and round it to port starboard then proceed westerly toward the finish line approximately one-half mile due north of Marker R “4”  to” to finish between the race committee boat and the yellow finishing mark.


Special Notes concerning the course: The courses may be changed to mitigate the weather conditions, i.e. direction of wind and sea conditions.


START:            The start of the PHRF Spinnaker and Non-Spinnaker Divisions will be at approximately 9:00 AM with the warning signal at 8:55 AM using the Red Class flag. The PHRF Non-Spinnaker and PHRF Cruiser Divisionss will start together using a Yellow Class flag with a second starting sequence and a new warning signal after the spinnaker and non-spinnaker boats have cleared the starting area.  All yachts must cross the starting line within 30 minutes of their start time or will be scored DNS.  Starts will be in accordance with RRS Rule 26 “Starting Races”.


PENALTIES:            The 720 degrees turns penalty will apply in accordance with RRS 44.1 and 44.2.  Any yacht which exonerates herself from a minor foul in this manner shall notify the Race Committee of such action at the finish line.


RECALLS:            Individual Recall will be in accordance with RRS 29.2, and General Recall will be in accordance with RRS 29.3.


TIME LIMITS:            All time limits for completing the race will be announced over the radio on Channel 68 prior to the start of each class.


PROTESTS:            All protests must be submitted in writing to the Race Committee after the race and postmarked no later than Monday, March 29, 2004.  Notice of protest must also be given immediately after finishing by hail or by VHF radio, and acknowledged by the Race Committee. There will be a protest filing fee of $20.00, which will be returned if the protest is upheld.


POST-RACE:            Race results will be provided as soon as possible after the race. The results will be posted on the NFCC website and the First Coast Sailing Association Web Site and ashore at Sister’s Creek public dockif possible as soon as practical after the race. Trophies will be presented after the race Saturday evening at Sister’s Creek(location announced over VHF radio) if practical. All unclaimed trophies will be available for pickup at the first NFCC general meeting. If trophies are not available after the raceOtherwise, an awards presentation will be held at the NFCC General Meeting, Thursday, April 15th, 7:00 PM at the Florida Gun and Tackle Club on San Jose Blvd.


INFO:  For more information, contact Don Gilbert, Race Captain

260-2590 (Home); 591-0999 (Cell); or e-mail: